Kyaaaaa :D I've got another tag from Rona. I actually know that I've got this few days ago but I just got no time to post it and so I'm just posting it now. I actually have got this so, I am just gonna do a rule which is Answer the question the tagger set for me in their post. Heheheheh ;;)
So Rona's 11 questions are :
1. Suka di tag nggak?
Yaaa suka suka aja sih, tapi rulesnya itu loh yaa muehuehehehe..
2. Kapan mulai blogging?
Juli 2010
3. Kelas berapa sekarang?
4. Nge-post ginian jam berapa?
4.14 PM
5. Sering ol jam berapa?
Kalo liburan ya sepanjang waktu siang-malem
Kalo masih sekolah ya malem
6. Pilih blog, fb, atau twitter? (CHOOSE ONE!!)
7. Lebih suka/nyaman pake rok/celana?
8. Yang mana yang lebih banyak kamu punya; rok atau celana?
Celanaaa ftw ;;D
9. Posting berapa hari sekali?
Tergantung mood. Kalo mood lagi pengin ngepost ya paling banyak ya 3 post, kalo males ya paling cuman balesin cbox
10. Apa saranmu buat blog aku?
Waduh saya ini paling nggak bagus kalo kasih saran. Ya maaf yeee ^^v
11. Opini kebanyakan orang buat blog kamu apa?
Ummm... Nggak tau juga yaaa hahahah :D
Anyway, I'm done :D And I'm really sorry for breaking the rules *nangis* (tapi bukan breaking rules juga kali, soalnya gue udah pernah dapet tag kayak gini xD)
Holiday is still going on but my boredom is already killing me slowly :| Seriously!! There are lots of things that I already done during the holiday and now, I runs out of things to do but I have been downloading The Wallflower comic from the internet. It's really great and I love the story of it. So, the story contains 5 highschoolers. Four of them are cute and handsome boys and one of them is scary girl. This girl is living independently and she likes the scary things and horror movie and all of them are living together in like a mansion, really huge mansion owns by the scary girl's auntie. If the four of the boys can make the scary girl becoming like a lady, the boys will live there for free. I am now reading volume 27 and as I can see that there is a bit of crush between the scary girl and one of the handsome guy <3 It's really sweet :3 Seriously :) Anyway, I got bored lately and made this using photoshop. I've been liking making this kind of thing. It's just entertaining to combine some parts of pictures to put to a new image. The image below I made it myself and don't know what it should be called, but it's really an epic piece of crap :\
Leopard Print
Scream mask
Two Nebulas
Police body
Woman face
Queen's Guard
images are all from Google Images. I do not own any of that but the design, I made it myself :)