
*ehem* Gue kembali ke dunia blog!!! *bangga
Readers, I haven't called my mum in the last 24 hours. Felt sick? Yes I am really sick right now and last night I found a letter that I wrote to 'someone'. I am just pretending that I would send it, well I am not gonna send it in anyway hahahaha ;D but now I think I LOST it. o_O *matiiii banget gue

Padahal itu surat isinya malu maluin banget. Gue pengen mati aja rasanya. Mudah mudahan yang nemuin bukan orang indo deh biar dia ga bisa baca. Amiinnn ;;)

Anyway, yesterday went out and bought something.

from Valleygirl
Blazer from Gerry Weber
Short(jeans) from Cotton On

Leopard Top from somewhere xD
Those were really cheap because it's nearly christmas time and everything is on sale ;;D

Anyway, I am still worrying about my 'letter' serisouly!!! Panas dingin gue kalo misalnya itu surat bener bener jatuh ke tangan yang nggak bener. Oh and I found my goloso geloso book. I thought I left it in indo because I couldnt find it anywhere and yesterday my mum lost her old mobile phone before left and so every member in my family had a look for it, but my dad found my book instead of the phone. It was behind the sofa -_-

Ini itu novel indo yang gue beli waktu bulan Juli kemaren. Isinya sih tentang travel travel gitu di Milan ;;) Gue emang pengen banget gitu keliling dunia, maka dari itu novel yang berbau bau tentang travel itu gue suka. Oh iya kemaren gue juga beli gelang warna warni yang ada tulisannya dan kalo gue coba bentuk itu bakalan membentuk sebuah kalimat.

Jadi kalimatnya itu,
Perfect wild angel talk to the hand off the wall carefactor zero.
Sebenernya, gue juga rada aneh gitu sama kalimatnya tapi ya emang gue pikirin. Malah bikin tua aja wqwq

Andddd, camwhored!!!! wq

Now Playing Coldplay - Paradise