
30 Days Challenge - Day02

  • Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name

  • So, as yous all know that my URL name is http://i-needsomeexercise.blogspot.com/. Well, actually it doesn't mean anything important. You know that my body is a bit big, I meant I'm FAT, so that means that I need some exercise for my body to make my body look slimmer ( ? ) That's why my URL is i-needsomeexercise.blogspot.com .

    Well, actually my former URL was notbeingachild.blogspot.com, but I changed it to i-needsomeexercise.blogspot.com. My former URL means that I'm not a child anymore and I'm not acting like I'm a child. Ah well it's not a good URL I reckon. Anyway.

    Now, let's talk about my blog name. Actually It might change whenever I want, but for now my blog name is Resistance♥. In Indonesia, it means PERLAWANAN. Actually it has a relationship with my blog title, Liebe ist unser Widerstand♥. It's in German language means Love is our Resistance♥. Jadi itu maksudnya cinta itu butuh perlawanan, karena kalau kita nggak melawan, nggak bakalan dapet dah. Ceilaaahhh, sok banget gue yaa???.