
What If ( kayak lagu Jason Derulo aja )

Stalked from Maghfirasari Adani's Blog

If I were a color, I would like to be BLUE.

If I were a number, I would like to be 4.

If I were an alphabet, I would like to be S.

If I were a taste, I would like to be SALT.

If I were a season, I would like to be SPRING.

If I were a month, I would like to be SEPTEMBER.

If I were a day, I would like to be SATURDAY.

If I were a time, I would like to be EVENING.

If I were an animal, I would like to be a CAT.

If I were a plant, I would like to be a STEM.

If I were a flower, I would like to be a ROSE.

If I were a jewelry, I would like to be a BRACELET.

If I were a food, I would like to be a MEAT.

If I were a beverage, I would like to be PEPSI.

If I were a zodiac, I would like to be VIRGO.

If I were a planet, I would like to be EARTH.

If I were an object, I would like to be a MP3.

If I were an emoticon, I would like to be XD

If I were a movie, I would like to be HARRY POTTER.

If I were a country, I would like to be FRANCE.